

Preaching Skills

As a pastor or ministry leader with a congregation or team counting on you to be your best, it’s important to invest time and training in order to enhance your skill set.

Preaching Camp offers three ways to elevate your skills, refresh your mindset, and become a better preacher:

Seminars, Small Groups and One-on-One Sessions.


Meet Timothy Warren

Timothy S. Warren trusted Jesus Christ as his Savior at age five. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in speech and English at Cedarville College (University) and a Master of Arts in Public Address at Bowling Green State University. After serving as a Chaplain’s Assistant in the U. S. Army, he attended Dallas Theological Seminary where he received a Master of Theology, studying preaching under Haddon Robinson and Duane Litfin.

Timothy served as pastor of Grace Bible Church in Canal Winchester, Ohio, for seven years and attended the Ohio State University studying for a Doctor of Philosophy in Communication (awarded, 1987), before joining the faculty at Dallas Theological Seminary in 1984. He has served as interim pastor at Irving Bible Church and Fellowship Bible Church, Dallas, taught preaching as a visiting lecturer at national and international seminaries, led a men’s Bible study at the Cooper Aerobics Center since 1985, and written weekly adult Bible study curriculum at Lake Pointe Church from 1990 through December of 2020. He has been a member of the Academy of Homiletics, the Evangelical Homiletics Society, and speaker/preacher at the National and International Conferences on Preaching.

Timothy and Beverlee have three married children and six grandchildren.


Proverbs 27:17

Preaching Camp Ministries Opportunities:

Back to Basics Seminars

One-day (5-6 hour) presentations of encouragement, preaching, instruction, and information. Words of encouragement will affirm preachers in their work of proclaiming the gospel and preaching the Scriptures. Sermons will offer models of exposition and provide inspiration for preachers in their calling. The instruction portions will visit the basics of the expositional process and demonstrate the difference between a lecture, a devotional, a talk, and a sermon. Depending on time and interest, additional instruction may include topics such as conclusions and introductions, sermon structures, long-term sermon preparation, and questions/answers.

Small Group Training Treks

3-4 day intensives during which 1-4 preachers receive critiques of their preaching that include instruction and suggestions for improving both efficiency in sermon preparation and effectiveness in sermon presentation. Generous time for questions/answers will allow the attendees opportunity to pursue topics of interest. The goal is for trekkers to receive group support, encouragement, and instruction, and perhaps, to establish ongoing cohort connections.

One-on-One Sharpening Sessions

Consist of in-person or video sermon critiques with suggestions for taking sermon preparation and presentation to the next level. These one-on-one conversations allow for more personalized feedback and instruction. Troubleshooting consults are also available by appointment.


Let’s press on together.

Most pastors receive limited training in the preparation and presentation of sermons. Additionally, once they begin preaching weekly, only a few pastors receive helpful critique and encouragement to improve. Yet, preachers, like all who speak in public, need periodic, expert feedback; and all the more so because of the eternal significance of their message.

You can donate to Preaching Camp to enable Timothy to guide preachers in sharpening their preaching skills.
Donations are tax-deductible.

If donating by check, please send to:

Preaching Camp Ministries
919 Panther Lane
Allen, TX 75013

If donating by credit card or bank transfer, please complete the following below.

Preaching Camp Ministries Events

If you are ready to sharpen your skills with Preaching Camp Ministries or to speak with Timothy to learn more, please fill out the form below.